#1-Ethel Heier & her Daughter Robin Nelson.
Ethel's Birthday is July 31st
#2-Jeanette Fameree-Vandervest & Rita Fameree-Heraly
#3-Rita Fameree-Heraly & Her Family
#4-Emmy Fameree-Hanamann & Her Family
#5-Michelle Arendt-Asplund
#6-Jamie Fameree-Elliott & Ryan Elliott
#7-Jule Fameree
#8-Leah Lax & #9-Adele Fammeree
I would like to make honorable mention to
Jean Rigot who passed away June 5th, 2008
Peace I Leave You; My Peace I Give You –John 14:27
#11-Melissa & Levi Foss with Baby Lundyn & Ian
#12-Ian & Lundyn Foss
Levi & Ian will be celebrating Birthdays in July
(Ian’s is the 14th & Levi the 15th)
#13 & 14-Vivienne Ducat
The email below is from Jane Fameree-Hafeman
Hi Everyone, Sarah and I are informing all of you about the PKD (Polisystic Kidney Disease) Walk that is held in Green Bay.
We formed a Team last year (Sarah & Andrew, Jody & Peter, and Barry and myself). We call our selves The Orville & Mike Fameree Bunch.
We wanted to walk in remembrance of them. The Walk this year is on Saturday September 20th, 2008 at Colburn Park in Green Bay. Registration is at 9:00am and the Walk is at 10:00am. We are hoping that you can join us this year. We understand if you can't make it. Alot of you live farther away. The cost towalk is $15.00 each (Adult) and includes a PKD Walk T-shirt. We will get more info to you as it becomes available. We all know how PKD runs in our Family & we all know the importance of finding the Gene that carrys this horrible disease, so we are asking for your help by Walking With Us or Collecting Donations or Finding Cooperate Sponsorship and Most importantly Your Prayers. For those of you who can't make it, we will walk for you. Could you inform your immediate family about the date and time of the walk. Thank You for taking the time to read this. Love, Sarah & Jane
I then forwarded this email to all of you & I will continue to include it until the walk!!
This past month held many social events for the Family & until I am notified of other branchs of our Family's events I will share mine...
1st of all Dan & I had a very nice visit with Richard, Rachel & Adele early in the month.
Then My Family & I were invited to the Ernest & Emma Fameree Reunion, so we went & a great time was had by all even though it rained. The food was great & company even better.
Some of the People I spent time visiting were Ethel Fameree-Heier & her Daughter Robin Nelson. Michelle Arendt-Asplund & her Family, Bonnie VanPay, Jeanette Fameree-Vandervest, Duanne Fameree & His Wifw Sherry, Rita & Lloyd Heraly & their Grandson Brad & his wife Denise & Children, I was delighted to find out that Brad is pre med in a neighboring community to where I live & I hope we can get together some time soon. Another interesting fact I learned is that he is married to Denise Wautlet who I used to babysit for her & her sisters many moons ago!!!(small world). I also had a nice conversation with Kelly Hanamann & met her family. & breifly spoke with Frank Fameree,Joann Fameree & Betty LuMaye-Wirtz & her Daughter Alexandria Schmidt.
I had a very nice phone conversation with Brenda LuMaye-Hockstock, who I was in school from grammer thru Highschool & never aware we were related, (apparently I was asleep in my school years!!!)
on June 21st,My Neice Jamie Fameree was married to Ryan Elliott. She was a Beautiful Bride & the wedding was a great time!!!
I would like to make honorable mention to Jean Rigot who passed away June 5th, 2008
Mon papa chéri est décédé ce jeudi 5 juin 2008, à 11h20 dans l'aile de revalidation du home de la Charette, sis à Woluwe-Saint-Lambert.Maman était près de lui.D'ailleurs, il était grand temps que cela s'arrête pour lui, il nous le faisait savoir tous les jours.Par contre, nous lui disions tous les jours notre amour et notre admiration, espérant ainsi le libérer de ses soucis, qu'il devait immanquablement se faire pour nous, sa femme et ses filles.Son héritage sera d'abord pour nous le devoir d'être heureux, comme il nous le souhaitait tous les jours.C'était un fier marin, un tendre père, un vrai papa, un ami fort et fidèle.Il aimait la musique à vous la faire haïr ou adorer.Dans mon cas, je l'adore, et ne pourrai plus vivre sans ma dose de musique baroque qu'il aimait tant.Il a mené de front au moins 7 vies, bien qu'il ait été allergique aux chats, et à beaucoup d'autres choses.Il nous avait caché une grande partie de la nature de sa maladie, d'où notre stupéfation après son opération, en mars et en avril, de le voir s'éteindre comme une bougie.La bougie brulera dans mon coeur, jusqu'à mon dernier souffle, car la lumière brille, même dans l'obscurité la plus profonde.Nous ne savons pas encore quand se déroulerons les funérailles. On parle de mercredi ou de jeudi vers 11h00.
In English
My beloved father passed away this Thursday, June 5, 2008, at 11.20 am on the wing revalidation of the home of the Charette, located in Woluwe-Saint-Lambert. Mom was near him. By the way, it was high time that it stops for him, we did learn every day. By cons, we tell him every day our love and admiration, hoping to release its worries, it should inevitably be done for us, his wife and daughters. His legacy will initially be for us the duty to be happy, as we wanted all day. It was a proud Marine, a tender father, a true father, a strong and loyal friend. He loved music do you hate or love. In my case, I love it, and not be able to live without my dose of Baroque music he loved so much. He was engaged in at least 7 lives, although he was allergic to cats, and many other things. We had hidden a large part of the nature of his illness, hence our stupéfation after his operation in March and April, to see extinguished as a candle. The candle will burn in my heart until my last breath, because the light shines even in the deepest darkness. We do not yet know when to déroulerons funerals. They talk about Wednesday or Thursday to 11:00 a.m.
Richards Tribute
In memory of Jean L.E. Rigot
Les Christs verts
Je marche derrière le père de mon grand-père.
Il peut à peine marcher et il peut à peine parler.
Il a deux ans.
Son frère Eugène a déjà six ans. Eugène restera ici
en Belgique, et mon arrière grand-père épousera
à Chicago une femme dont la mère porte une mantille
devant la cheminée du salon alors que trottent des chevaux
un peu plus loin vers Halsted Street.
Mon arrière grand-père tient un petit ours vert, u
n peu souillé, qui s'appelle Lala.
La veste rouge du petit ours est très rouge et brodée.
Eugène et sa femme sont enterrés à côté de la tombe
de ses parents. Les noms et les dates sont à peine lisibles,
et les Christs sont devenus verts.
Là où le soleil était jaune d'oeuf et maintenant pêche, neuf
moutons, une âne et un coq répètent la nuit de noël
sous un pommier.
Mon arrière grand-père qui se tenait dans ce cimetière
pour la dernière fois en 1883, est enterré seul
avec sa femme du côté de O'Hare Airport.
Je suis le seul maintenant à connaître ces tombes.
Mon arrière grand-père et Lala s'avancent en trébuchant
vers sa mère.
Elle m'offre une demi-prune de leur jardin et mange
l'autre moitié, puis en ouvre une autre.
Elle m'en donne une moitié et l'autre à son fils.
- Secoue le prunier, Richard, et le fruit qui tombe est mûr,
mais ouvre toujours une prune avant de la goûter.
Ses doigts sont tâchés et puissants et élégants. Elle pourrait
jouer du piano. Une voisine,
la soprano, commence à chanter.
Les yeux de la mère de mon arrière grand-père,
sotto voce, s'arrêtent à la fois sur le bleuiment
et le tremblement. Elle a les yeux de Ruth,
et ne porte pas de bijoux.
Ses dernières roses sont hardies et grosses comme les bols
du petit déjeuner.
Elle cueille un pétale , entre une grande porte
et une grande fenêtre bordeau.
- Tu aurais dû venir plus tôt et tu les aurais vues.
Elles étaient belles--et il y en avait partout.
Traduction de Anne-Marie Parfait
The Green Christs
I follow my great-grandfather.
He can barely walk and he can barely talk.
He is two years old.
His brother Eugène is already six. Eugène will stay here
in Belgium, and my great-grandfather will marry
a woman in Chicago whose mother wears a mantilla
before the fire in the parlor as horses clop
past toward Halsted Street.
My great-grandfather carries a soiled green bear
whose name is Lala.
The little bear’s red jacket is very red and brocaded.
Eugene and his wife are buried next to the tomb
of his parents. Their names and dates are faint,
and the Christs have turned green.
Where the sun was an egg yolk and now peach, nine
sheep, one donkey and a rooster rehearse for Christmas
eve beneath an apple tree.
My great-grandfather, who last stood in this churchyard
in 1883, is buried alone
with his wife Flora near O’Hare Airport.
Only I know the graves now.
My great-grandfather and Lala stumble toward his mother.
She offers me half a plum from their garden and eats
the other half, then opens another.
She offers half to me and half to her son.
--Shake the tree, Richard, and the fruit which fall is ripe.
And always open a plum before tasting it.
Her fingers are stained and strong and fine. She could
play piano. A neighbor,
the soprano, begins to sing. My great-great-grandmother’s
eyes, sotto voce, focus separately upon the bluing
and swaying.
She has Ruth’s eyes, and she wears no jewelry.
Her last roses are old and big as breakfast bowls.
She plucks a petal between a tall burgundy door
and a tall burgundy window.
--You should have come earlier, then you would have seen them.
They were beautiful--and everywhere.
Richard Fammerée
6 June, 2008, Chicago
OOPS, I missed a June Birthday!!! (Steven "Guy" Bates, 12 June 1952) Sorry Guy!!!
July Birthdays
Special Birthdays- My Dad Jule Fameree 7/22,My Neice Leah Lax 7/18 & Ethel Heier 7/31
Adam /Brookman/26-Jul-1959 Jeanne Joseph /Lepage/13-Jul-1823
Adam Laurent /Bauer/19-Jul-1990 Jeanne Vlies /(Weche)/20-Jul-1607
Agnes /Barette/7-Jul-1910 Jerome Thomas /Ropson/25-Jul-1912
Al Daniel /Gengler/7-Jul-1947 Jeromy Joseph /Dart/15-Jul-1977
Alan Brian /Liebsch/15-Jul-1957 Jerry Ernest /Villers/1-Jul-1965
Albert /Labaisse/2-Jul-1837 Jesse Ryan /Nelson/7-Jul-1978
Alek Daniel /Majeski/25-Jul-1987 John Michael /LaLuzerne/16-Jul-1980
Alexander Thomas /Famree/8-Jul-1988 John O. /Peshek/3-Jul-1914
Amy Marie /Heraly/29-Jul-1981 John Peter /Jandrin/3-Jul-1906
Ande Auguste /Simonart/2-Jul-1917 Jonathan /Jandrin/20-Jul-1985
Andrew Paul /Krautkramer/27-Jul-1986 Jonathan Michael /Dethardt/19-Jul-1988
Anne Joseph /Jamart/18-Jul-1821 Jordan John /Jandrin/13-Jul-1993
Anne Marie /Buchler/26-Jul-1880 Joseph Anthony /Arendt/5-Jul-1920
Anne-Marie /Renders/1-Jul-1929 Joseph David /Delcorps/15-Jul-1983
Anthony John /Jandrin/24-Jul-1970 Joseph Edward /LaLuzerne/7-Jul-1986
Antonia Joan /Girard/3-Jul-1985 Joseph Ernest /Fameree/23-Jul-1961
Arlen Jacob /Wendricks/5-Jul-1952 Jule Honore Louis Joseph/Fameree/22-Jul-1926
Armand Ghislain /Moniquet/11-Jul-1885 Julia Mae /Maskell/16-Jul-1981
Arthur Joseph /Delongueville/13-Jul-1890 Julie Ann /Fameree/13-Jul-1956
Auguste /Woll/23-Jul-1877 Karen /Deutschbein/26-Jul-1974
Auguste Joseph /Looze/7/9/1839 Kathy Ann /Batten/6-Jul-1958
Barbara Ann /Vlies/18-Jul-1951 Katie Jo /Gengler/27-Jul-1980
Barthelemy /Vandenbroeck/10-Jul-1886 Kelly Ann /Fameree/23-Jul-1968
Bernadine /Gauthier/19-Jul-1825 Kenneth Scott /Gengler/7/39/1960
Bernadine Elaine Mary/Delfosse/14-Jul-1936 Kevin Arthur /LaCosse/9-Jul-1960
Bianca Gabrielle /Lang/28-Jul-1990 Kimberly Deanna /Vlies/2-Jul-1981
Brenda Sue /Lu Maye/28-Jul-1962 Lari James /Wagnitz/6-Jul-1948
Brian Gary /Jandrin/15-Jul-1979 Leah Maria /Lax/18-Jul-1991
Brien James /Agamaite/2-Jul-1989 Lee Gary (Gary Lee)/McClure/20-Jul-1946
Cameron /Heraly/15-Jul-1990 Levi Foss15-Jul-1983
Cameron Paul /Derenne/28-Jul-1997 Leonie /Frisque/24-Jul-1860
Camron Alfred /Villers/26-Jul-1981 Linda Marie /DeBouche/11-Jul-1960
Carol Ann /Thompson/13-Jul-1963 Lois Ann /Buhr/10-Jul-1952
Carrie Sue /Heuer/27-Jul-1961 Lois Mary /Hafeman/23-Jul-1953
Casey Claire /Pierre/26-Jul-1981 Lori /Jandrin/18-Jul-1973
Cassandra Audrey /Fameree/28-Jul-1988 Lori Ann /Jandrin/3-Jul-1960
Catherine Joseph /Tirtiaux/1-Jul-1822 Luke Leonard /Villers/1-Jul-1989
Chad Robert /Derenne/3-Jul-1978 Lynette Renee /Mindak/3-Jul-1975
Christine Ann /Kaczmarek/1-Jul-1958 Mamie (Mayme Mary Julan)/Vlies/23-Jul-1918
Christine Fuller8-Jul-1993 Marie Albine /Tirtiaux/14-Jul-1843
Christopher Steven /Collins/27-Jul-1968 Marie Anna Josephe /Fameree/9-Jul-1894
Cindi Lou /Heuer/3-Jul-1955 Marie Catherine /Latinne/4-Jul-1802
Clarance Frank /Vlies/31-Jul-1922 Marie Catherine /Simonart/5-Jul-1835
Clarence George Jr./Villers/14-Jul-1947 Marie Francoise /Paquet/29-Jul-1813
Cletus Andrew /Heim/23-Jul-1936 Marie Jeanne /Famree/1-Jul-1765
Clifton /Fameree/11-Jul-1988 Marie Josephe /Tirtiaux/5-Jul-1852
Dan Burkart21-Jul-1964 Marie Louise /Lebrun/25-Jul-1830
Daniel Lee Jr./McClure/24-Jul-1990 Marie Therese Enriette/Meunier/20-Jul-1784
Darren /Sackse/1-Jul-1987 Mark Laurence /Villers/14-Jul-1960
David William /Vlies/21-Jul-1948 Marthe Marie /Mathy/30-Jul-1909
Dawn Marie /Jandrin/28-Jul-1969 Mary Ellen /Thiry/13-Jul-1941
Debbie /Hagney/19-Jul-1958 Mary Kay /Majeski/20-Jul-1959
Dennis /Le Roy/2-Jul-1955 Mary louise /Bisiutti/23-Jul-1928
Dennis Fred /Villers/7-Jul-1958 Melanie /Charlier/6-Jul-1848
Dennis Wayne /Clark/22-Jul-1958 Melissa /Stachowiak/10-Jul-1981
Dian /Skinner/21-Jul-1936 Michael Alvin /Fameree/16-Jul-1974
Diane Patricia /Killick/3-Jul-1957 Michael John /Flynn/22-Jul-1959
Dieudonnee /Tirtiaux/7-Jul-1818 Michael John /Vanness/13-Jul-1963
Dominique /van Heuken/30-Jul-1952 Michelle Laurent /Bauer/12-Jul-1987
Donald Francis /Wery/9-Jul-1952 Michelle Marie /Ropson/21-Jul-1967
Dorothy Ellerton /Vlies/7-Jul-1906 Mitchel D Gerondale18-Jul-1987
Dustin /Jandrin/17-Jul-1992 Monica Mary /Thiry/24-Jul-1972
Elaine /Fammeree/20-Jul-1921 Morgan Patricia /Jandrin/2-Jul-1994
Elaine Bernice Ida/Delfosse/30-Jul-1937 Nancy Jane /Naze/6-Jul-1946
Elizabeth (Betty Jane)/Yanda/26-Jul-1930 Nathan Joseph /Hokenson/19-Jul-1987
Elizabeth Ann /Picka/23-Jul-1932 Nickolas /Greiling/12-Jul-1982
Emile Alexander /Vlies/17-Jul-1855 Nicolas Joseph /Tirtiaux/29-Jul-1816
Emily Marie /Derenne/16-Jul-1989 Nicole Michelle /Fameree/30-Jul-1980
Ericka Marie /Jandrin/5-Jul-1975 Pamela /Jandrin/16-Jul-1971
Erik Dean /Derenne/20-Jul-1985 Patricia Ann /Braun/5-Jul-1933
Ernest Alphonse /Fameree/6-Jul-1987 Patrick James /Mc Caffery/8-Jul-1971
Ernest Dale /Fameree/18-Jul-1942 Paul /Vandermeuse/8-Jul-1964
Ethel Amelia /Fameree/Heier31-Jul-1923 Paul David /Ropson/21-Jul-1955
Eugene Gregoire /Moniquet/10-Jul-1858 Paula /Ducat/28-Jul-1965
Eugene Joseph /Vergez/13-Jul-1846 Peter Joseph /Naze/7-Jul-1942
Eugenie /Durbecq/13-Jul-1793 Peter Joseph Jr./Buhr/22-Jul-1924
Gary Clarence /Jandrin/19-Jul-1954 Philippe Vlies /(Wesse)/4-Jul-1611
George Joseph /Fameree/10-Jul-1903 Philomene Marie /Simonart/7-Jul-1855
Georgius Honoratus /Fameree/9-Jul-1894 Pierre /Geunincq/4-Jul-1659
Gerald /Wittlin/14-Jul-1929 Pierre Clement /Simonart/18-Jul-1851
Glen /Vlies/26-Jul-1971 Prosper Joseph /Vlies/13-Jul-1825
Harvey Fred /Villers/19-Jul-1936 Ragenufle Joseph /Mathy/15-Jul-1831
Harvey Fred Jr./Villers/10-Jul-1955 Raphael /Zilberstein/3-Jul-1996
Hendrick /Delacauw/31-Jul-1873 Richard E. /Futter/30-Jul-1954
Henri Joseph /Vaneberg/24-Jul-1857 Robert Fife31-Jul-1953
Henry Joseph /Tirtiaux/7-Jul-1780 Roger James /DeVillers/31-Jul-1931
Hortense /Simonart/18-Jul-1861 Ruth Ann /Marks/28-Jul-1953
Hyppolitus /De Strooper/31-Jul-1897 Samuel John /Lardinois/1-Jul-1946
Ida Octavia /Jandrin/19-Jul-1917 Sara Johanna /DeVillers/20-Jul-1983
Jacob David /Seipel/19-Jul-1976 Sarah Lee /Christianson/11-Jul-1988
Jacob James /VanSchyndel/14-Jul-1990 Scot Michael /Wendricks/26-Jul-1970
Jacques Vlies /(Weche)/1-Jul-1629 Scott Allen /Lischka/12-Jul-1968
James David /Laurent/18-Jul-1966 Shawn Thomas /Ropson/4-Jul-1982
James William /Fameree/7-Jul-1936 Simon /Vlies/29-Jul-1678
Jamie Jo /Gerarden/26-Jul-1983 Stephanie Marie /Ledoina/22-Jul-1975
Janelle /Stewart/7-Jul-1955 Steven Michael /Laluzerne/15-Jul-1984
Jason Lee /Derenne/16-Jul-1980 Susan Mary /Robak/19-Jul-1961
Jason Orville /Hafeman/14-Jul-1976 Theophile Joseph /Simonart/18-Jul-1839
Jean Baptiste /Gelinne/28-Jul-1732 Trevor Ducat29-Jul-1993
Jean Baptiste /Simonart/30-Jul-1813 Verna Octavia /Jandrin/11-Jul-1933
Jean Joseph /Fammeree/26-Jul-1803 Victoire Joseph /Simonart/10-Jul-1849
Jean Joseph /Vlies/30-Jul-1823 Vincent /Simonart/13-Jul-1962
Jean Joseph /Vlies/3-Jul-1746 William /Vlies/15-Jul-1923
Jean Philippe /Vlies/1-Jul-1797 Xavier /D'harveng/9-Jul-1953
Jean Roch /Vlies/11-Jul-1760 Zeke Mata6-Jul-81
Jeanine Ann /Jandrin/15-Jul-1972
Happy Birthday / Bon Anniversaire to all
Richard's Thoughts
Richard is off to london to perform at the BBC Showcases!!!We all look forward to his update next month. Please see Richard's tribute to Jean Rigot his Poem "The Green Christs"
Blessings to all our dear family, Adele, Rachel, Richard
Please visit Richards blogsite as well as ours, the only difference being the double M's.
"The Responders"
First, Guy Bates From (I think) Arizona.
Bon jour, Jean.my grandmother was Emilie Josephine Fammeree; my great-grandfather was Noel Fameree. thank you for all of the work you've been doing for the Fammeree family.I have a couple of requests, please. first, would you add me to the list of b-days in June. Steven Guy Bates, 12 June 1952. thanks.The other: although I enjoy seeing relatives who i've never met, the file size of the emails is huge and fills my mailbox so i cannot receive any other email. do you have Adobe Photoshop? that software program--a rather expensive one--can reduce the file size of pictures sent over the internet, without losing quality. if that is not available to you, have you tried scanning the photos in low resolution? Bye for now . . .Guy
My Response
I'm so glad to hear from you & learn more of your Family. Richard has told me a little, but much of the history surrounding your branch is a mystery to me...
Maybe you can help with some questions I have?
Where do you live ? What do you do for a living? are you married/single? any kids?
What do you do for fun?
So, Noel is your Great Grand Father & who was his spouse? do you have birth/death dates? ( By the way if your interested, I happen to have a scanned copy of your Great Grandfather Noel's Birth Certificate) I can email it to you or I could post it on the Blogsite whichever you prefer.
Then their child was Emilie Josephine,do you have dates for her? who was her spouse? Were there any siblings.
Then, what are your parents names & where do they live? Do you have any siblings?
Happy Birthday Guy & Yes, I will update my geneanet Family tree. Sorry you weren't on the June list. I hope to add as many of your family members as possible.
As for the huge emails, first of all I apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused you!!! Secondly going forward I will still send a monthly email, however it will contain a link to our Family Blogsite as follows http://fameree.blogspot.com/ & a link to our Family Tree http://gw.geneanet.org/jfameree & it will state that our blogsite has been updated. or if there is an important notice in between I will try to make it short & sweet.
This way all pix will be viewable from the blogsite & it won't take up all of the email space.
Next I sent an email to several of our Belgian Relatives(we just cant figure out the connection yet!)
Hello to all, There was a letter written many years ago to Tom Fameree who lives in Wisconsin, from Father Joseph Fameree Born in 1955, who at that time lived in Emptinne BE. In this letter it states his ancestors go back 8 generations to Mathieu Fameree born approx 1683 & died 1746 in Schaltin , married Marie Ramelot 1703.My family traces back to Nicolas Famre(spelling??) we know he is from the Dept of Ourthe (near the Ourthe River) born approx 1707. Is the Dept of Ourthe (Ourthe River) close to Schaltin???Could it possibly be that Mathieu & Marie Ramelot-Fameree would be the Parents of Nicolas???(the dates seem correct) or could Mathieu be an Uncle to Nicolas???& was there more siblings?My thoughts now are that the Fameree's Originated in Schaltin & NOT Longueville as I had assumed before...Let me know your thoughts...Most Sincerely, Jeanne
Then Joseph Fameree from Schaltin, Belgium Responded..
Chère Famille, Chère Jeanne, Un grand merci pour votre courrier. Avant, je souhaite vous demander si les inondations dans le Wisconsin sont aussi graves dans votre région.Nous espérons que la situation s'améliore rapidement.Le village de EMPTINNE est à côté de SCHALTIN , c'est la même paroisse er la même commune depuis 1976? Il y a encore de la famille RAMELOT. La rivière OURTHE est à 25 kms de SCHALTIN, le point le plus rapproché de cette rivière est NOISEUX.Je ne peux pas dire à ce stade quelle est la relation avec Nicolas, je vais aller revoir les registres de la paroisse de Schaltin- Emptinne qui sont en possession du même curé.Coridialement,Joseph Fameree
my translation
Dear Family, Dear Jeanne, A big thank you for your letter. Before, I would like to ask if the flooding in Wisconsin are also serious in your region. We hope that the situation is improving rapidly. The village of EMPTINNE is beside SCHALTIN is the same parish er the same town since 1976? There is still the family RAMELOT. The river OURTHE is 25 kms from SCHALTIN, the point closest to the river east NOISEUX. I can not say at this stage what is the relationship with Nicolas, I'm going to review the records of the parish of Schaltin-Emptinne who are in possession of the same priest. Coridialement, Joseph Fameree
My Response
Les inondations sont très graves pour de nombreuses personnes à environ 100 milles au nord et de l'Ouest de mon appartement et environ 90 milles au sud et de l'Ouest de mon papa dans la maison de la Rivière-Rouge / Casco. J'espère que vous et votre famille se portent bien? comment êtes-vous goût virtuel Réunion des e-mails? Ils sont en train de devenir si grand que l'avenir je vais envoyer un bref e-mail dire tous les blogsite a été mise à jour et tout le monde qui sont intéressés peuvent visiter le site. Ma famille vraiment aimé voir toutes vos photos de famille vieux et nouveaux. Peut-être que vous pouvez envoyer une photo actuelle de Vous et votre épouse? Merci de m'aider dans ma recherche à connecter nos familles! Je pense mai vous trouverez de nombreuses réponses recherche Schaltin la paroisse dossiers, à nouveau, je vous remercions de votre aide dans la recherche ... Je pense sérieusement de trveling à la Belgique en 2009 et j'aimerais pouvoir passer du temps avec vous et toute votre famille! La plupart sincèrement, Jeanne
in English
The Flooding is very serious for many people about 100 miles North & West from my appartment & about 90 miles South and West from my Dad's house in Red River/Casco.I hope you and your family are doing well? how are you liking the Virtual Reunion emails?They are becoming so large that going forward I will send out a breif email telling all the blogsite has been updated & then everyone who is interested can visit the site.My Family really enjoyed seeing all your Family pictures old & new.Maybe you can send a current picture of You & your Wife??Thank you for helping me in my search to connect our Families!!! I feel you may find many answers searching the Schaltin Parish records, again, I appreciate your help in searching...I'm thinking seriously of trveling to Belgium in 2009 & I would love to spend some time with you & your whole Family!!! Most sincerely, Jeanne
Joseph Replied
Bonsoir Jeanne et la famille.Nous pensons à toutes les personnes qui souffrent des inondations.Bien-sûr je continue à chercher pour vous aider dans les recherches des familles.J'enverrai d'autres photos avec mon épouse.Je suis très heureux de découvrir la famille virtuellement sur le blog, c'est très bien de faire connaissance avec des gens très bien. C'est avec plaisir de vous rencontrer en Belgique.Cordialement et grand merci J.FAMEREE
In English
Good Evening Jeanne and the family. We believe all people who suffer from floods. Of course I continue to look for help in searches of families. J'enverrai other photos with my wife. I am very pleased to discover the family virtually on the blog is all very well to get to know people very well. It is a pleasure to meet you in Belgium. Sincerely and big thank you J. FAMEREE
I then recieved an email From Kelly Havel From Sun Prairie, Wisconsin
Thank you Jean for all the info. You are awesome to put this all together! I'll have to ask my daughter to help me with you reqests of pictures and such. I'll try my best. Thanks again and it was great meeting you too.Kelly Havel
Next I heard from Tobi Fameree from Duluth,Minnesota
Hello Jean, I am Tobilyn (Tobi) Fameree, widow of Allen Lawrence Fameree, son of Ernest and Emma Fameree. I am sorry to be tardy with my response, but I have saved all your emails and hope to be able to spend some time with the data in the months to come. I noticed that some of the data you have for Ernest Fameree's descendants is not accurate, and I will try to help with that. I produced a family tree for Ernest's family and updated it a couple times, and am willing to share that information with you to correct the information you have. (I'm not sure where you got the information, but perhaps from one of Dennis and Linda Arendt's children. Dennis is the grandson of Ernest and Emma.) Please be assured that I will keep in touch from time to time. Tobi Fameree
I replied
I'm so glad to make your aquaintance!!!I just recieved some Family data from Dennis Arendt's Daughter Michelle, so I'm hoping to update my Geneanet page real soon & other documents as well. Believe it not the data that I have I got from a relative in Belgium who did the research thru the Salt Lake City Utah Geneological library which is run by the Church of Latter Day Saints!SO I took the disc that was burned for me & exported to Geneanet so that I could modify the files, only thing is it's pretty laborious!! Were you at the reunion on June 8th?I was there with my Dad & Sisters, if you were there I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you.Do you live near Casco? Do you have children? What do you do for fun? Maybe on one of my trips home to visit Dad we could get together...Take good Care Tobi, hope to talk with you soon. By the way if you have any of your Family documents that you would like to share you can email them to me or if it's not too much trouble mail me a copy. Sincerely, Jean
Tobi replied
Jean, I live near Duluth, Minnesota, and since our youngest daughter graduated from high school on June 8, so we didn't make the trip to Casco this year. We have been attending about every other year for several years. We have 4 children, all adopted. The oldest two are girls who live in Rochester, Minnesota, with their families, our son is in his second year of college, and our youngest daughter will also attend college in the fall. I'm 62 and have been retired for 10 years. I'm hoping to sell our place this summer and down-size. My husband died 2 years ago, and it's all too much for me. When I have time, I will send a copy of our most recent family tree, and you can glean information from it. Tobi
Then I Had a phone conversation with Pete Naze from GreenBay Wisconsin.
we had a nice conversation & he told me that he just recently retired from his long time career as a Circuit Court Judge For Brown County.
he also spoke of his Children Andy & Amy both are very established in the legal field, he also gave me thier #'s, so I hope to have conversations with them very soon, as well as his Mother Ellen who is the Daughter of Odile Fameree-LeCaptain & Joseph.
Then Kathy Ducat sent an email & forwarded emails from her Son in law Levi & also 1 from her Sister in law Deanna along with Pictures of their Families…Thank you Kathy!!!
Hi Jean,
Sent a few messages containing info on the Horrible Hilly ride, Lundynphotos (born 5/30/08), and Vivienne photos.We went right from the Horrible Hilly training into our training for theNew York City Marathon. It will be held on November 2. I am so pumpedfor this challenge. I now have up to 5 guides who will run with meduring the week. This will become super important as we begin to buildup to long runs. This Saturday, the long run is 6 miles. I am about 20pounds over weight. That is a lot to carry around when one is poundingthe heck out of middle age joints. I am trying very hard to watch food/ drink intake.Lynn, my sister, & Robert will be married 7/4/08. We are heading toGreen Bay Wed. night. I am happy for them. He is a super wonderful andgentle person.We are going camping two different weekends in July. I am so lookingforward to our time alone together :) Jim works every Saturday so whenwe get one weekend stretch, it feels like such a treat.My son received his student teaching assignment - it will be at KewauneeHigh School. This will be a 30 minute commute for him. Funny how itseems so long when one lives up there. We travel 30 minutes and do noteven reach the West Side of Madison :) I am so proud of him. He will make a great history teacher.How about your summer? Blessings, Kathy
This email is from Levi Foss (Kathy Ducat’s Son in Law)
Hello Everyone!Hope your summer is starting out great. Thought I would send out an email with new pictures of the children. Ian's birthday is just around the corner, July 14Th and he will be 2! Lundyn will be 4 weeks this Friday already. Time flies when you’re having fun, or is it just when your busy time flies? Ian is a great big brother and is learning new things and talking a lot.. Lundyn is continuing to stay at the top of the charts with growth. She is a very good baby. Melissa is enjoying her time off with the children this summer and will be going back part time in the fall. Have a great week! Remember me if you hear of anyone wanting to buy or sell Real Estate. Even if they are not in my area, I am able to refer and helpout. Melissa adds a little pressure going back to work part time. This means I better sell, sell, sell! Thanks to those who have referred over already and I look forward to many more :) Email us back with your updates. Levi
Then an email from Deanna Ducat, Phil Ducats Wife
Hi Everyone - It seems that summer is finally here! I thought I would share somerecent Vivienne photos. She is such a happy girl! She turned 8 monthsold on the 28th of May, and she is crawling all over the place. Her newfavorite trick is to pull herself up to a stand, and she has even stoodby herself for a few seconds before flopping. She will be walking in notime! I hope she brings a smile to everyone's faces. We leave for a week'svacation tomorrow. It'll be her first summer trip up to the cabin, andher second+ time in the boat. She slept through our Memorial Dayboating trip - she's a great traveler!Have a great start to the summer. Hope to see most of you soon!-Deanna
We Have Such Beautiful Families I love to Share Pictures!!!
Any one that would like to share information, just send me an email at http://us.f524.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=jmfm123@yahoo.com or Richard Fammeree at http://us.f524.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=fammeree@att.net & we will make sure it is included in the very next Virtual Reunion email!!!Please Note:
Don't forget to send a little summary introducing yourself, what your hobbies and interests are, what is or was your profession and maybe a Family photo, listing who is who.
Also, if there is someone in our relation that hasn't made our email list please forward the email address' to me so I can include them.
Emails can be sent in French, Richard can help me to translate or I can utilize a translation service from the internet. (this site works well) http://www.google.com/translate_t
Dont Forget to Visit Our Family tree it is posted at the link below