
What greater thing is there for human souls
than to feel that they are joined for life~~
to be with each other in silent unspeakable memories

Richard / Jeanne Reunion 6/1/08

Richard / Jeanne Reunion 6/1/08
Richard,Rachel Webster,Adele Webster Fammeree,Jeanne & Dan List

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Explanation of our Mission 2/10/08

Ok, so this is what Richard Fammeree (a Cousin) & I are trying to do, we are gathering as many Fameree family relatives that have email addresss’ as we possibly can, then every Month Richard or Myself will be sending out a "news letter" just to inform all, of any news, special events or any stories that we have compiled from any or all on our list. There is DEFINITELY no obligations to any, to participate. It's just a get to know your own history type thing. I urge you & yours (siblings or children/grandchildren)to send a little info about what you do or (did) for a living, where you live, who your children are, any special events ie; trips, weddings, babies, funerals or a story regarding anything remembered as a child or an adult. If it is not too much troubles it would be nice if you reply to all & include your children's email address' & or any other family email address' you may have.

Any help would be much appreciated.